Sunday, July 27, 2008

Danger: Online Poker and You

Fleet Street Games has a comedic look at how our government is handling online poker, although the clip is a joke, at least Doyle Brunson and Andy Bloch thinks this might be more real than humorous and publicly supports Barrack Obama:

Stetson-wearing Las Vegas pros who like his belief in the freedom to gamble are putting their chips on Mr Obama, who is himself a skilled player of Texas Hold'Em and Seven Card Stud.

Doyle Brunson, America's greatest living player and formerly a life-long Republican, has come out for Obama.

Another leading poker player and Obama backer, Andy Bloch, told The Sunday Telegraph that most players in Las Vegas for the main event of the World Series of Poker, which began on Thursday, are backing the Democrat. Meanwhile a group called Poker Players for Obama writes a blog on his campaign website.

...Announcing his support for Mr Obama, Mr Brunson, twice a winner of the world championship, said he could not back Mr McCain because the Republicans support the current US ban on internet gaming. Mr Obama has said he would like to regulate online poker and gambling, rather than criminalise it.

"Poker players have to support Obama," he said. "God help the internet gambling business if McCain does happen to win."

More on the politics of poker and the upcoming election soon. However, although not online, I bet those involved in the poker raid in Lemoyne in January has this video hitting home a little too hard...

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